Property Rights (Ḥuquq) and Civilizations

By: Jamel Akbar Four arguments will be explored: The current capitalist economic and political models will never result in sustainable environments. The Western mode of property rights leads to rules and regulations, which results in intervention, bureaucracy, monopoly, and stratification, while the Islamic Shariaa achieves the opposite through rights [...]

2024-09-11T17:51:35+02:00September 5th, 2024|Identity and Decolonization, Translations|0 Comments

Al-Aqsa Intifada: Account Statement

After World War I, Palestine collapsed under British occupation. The Balfour Declaration - which was announced in 1917 AD prior to the occupation - was an important turning point for dividing the Middle East and granting the Jews a national home in Palestine. After the declaration, the Zionists seized [...]

2023-10-15T03:54:58+02:00February 8th, 2023|Identity and Decolonization, Translations|0 Comments

The Education that could not Escape Colonialism

Every emerging civilization relies on developing and guiding its education, as it is what enriches skills, sharpens minds, nurtures religious feelings, and prepares those who are qualified to lead in the future. With the emergence of the modern nation states by the 19th century, education played a new role [...]

Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19: A Review

The United Nations issued a report last March to describe the extent, severity and rapidity of the Coronavirus, the short and long run social and economic chaos that it brings, and how responsible should people be in defying this pandemic and reducing its severity. The report was titled“Shared Responsibility [...]

2024-02-03T07:00:09+02:00April 17th, 2022|Identity and Decolonization, Reviews|0 Comments

The Undermining of Methodology Colonization…The Research and Natives

This book belongs to what is known as post-colonization studies. This academic field focuses on undermining colonization and revealing its manifestations and effects in an attempt to get rid of the colonial legacy which burdens the peoples who were previously colonized and resist the manifestations of modern colonization. The [...]

2024-02-03T07:20:42+02:00December 9th, 2020|Identity and Decolonization, Reviews|0 Comments

مقاربة كلامية لتحديات الهوية لدى المرأة المسلمة

إعداد: سيافاش‭ ‬أسدي، طاهرة‭ ‬هوشانغي ترجمة: د. بدر‭ ‬‬مصطفى في الوقت الذي تتعرض فيه هوية المرأة إلى الحيرة والتخبط بين معطيات العصر وقيم الحداثة وبين مبادئ الإسلام وقيمه وهويته، تحاول الدراسة التعاطي مع سؤالين هما: ما الموضوعات التي قد تخلق تعارضًا بين مظاهر الحداثة وقيم الإسلام فيما يخص تشكيل [...]

The image of Intellectuals in the Egyptian Movies

Authored by: Aya Ezzat There are many studies in social sciences and humanities that endeavored to observe and analyze the role of intellectuals in the Egyptian society in different chronological phases. However, in the framework of creating a common area for the convergence of arts and humanities. This study [...]

Education in Central Asia from the Soviet Union to the National State

The Turkish republics of Central Asia remained under the Soviet rule for quite a long time. The peoples of these republics were influenced by the Soviet system of education, even after they had their independence. The Soviet education endeavored to prove to the Turkish peoples that their existence under [...]

Fragility of Human Ties in the Egyptian Society: Divorce as a Model

Authored by: Menna al-Tellawy In a time when modernity melted from a solid state into a liquid one, terms were replaced, values changed, human ties became weak and materialism triumphed. This study discusses the aspects of liquid modernity and its manifestations in family relationships in the Egyptian society based on [...]

2024-01-15T08:13:38+02:00January 9th, 2020|Identity and Decolonization, Studies|0 Comments

Gender Studies: Philosophical Roots and Key Concepts

Authored by: Amal Abdulrahman Three basic fields fall under gender studies, which are: women’s studies, men’s studies, and gender studies and labeling theory. In order for any attempt to recognize the field of gender studies, it entails research on what every field of these three fields added as well [...]

2024-01-24T08:23:37+02:00December 25th, 2018|Studies, Identity and Decolonization|0 Comments


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