The Corruption Court in Indonesia: History and Development

The three-decade Indonesian corruption is the reason behind Indonesia’s inability to catch up with its neighbors (Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand) during their economic growth, including judiciary, police or army corruption. Corruption Courts were established to eradicate corruption and free the Indonesian society. Corruption courts were established in 2009 as [...]

2024-02-12T07:16:24+02:00May 12th, 2023|Policy Making, Translations|0 Comments

Asset Forfeiture: Disguised Nationalization.. Egypt as a Model

Authored by: Marwa Ahmed Asset forfeiture is a legal precautionary procedure that ensures access to a person’s funds in case he is charged with misappropriation of public funds, treason, crimes related to funds owned by the state, public institutions and agencies or their affiliate departments let alone public juridic persons. [...]

2024-01-24T08:07:02+02:00July 11th, 2020|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments

Journalists Caught in the Crossfire of Power: Power’s Instruments in Crushing the Press.. Assassination as a Model

Authored by: Nora Abd El-Moshen Threats against journalists have recently rocketed waylaying the rights they enjoyed to ensure doing their job freely, particularly in the states witnessing dictatorial regimes or armed conflicts. Such violations occur in spite of the existence of the international organizations and the international community organizations [...]

2024-01-24T08:14:12+02:00May 12th, 2020|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments

Existential Depression and Psychological Crises in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring

Authored by: Doaa Ragab While facing major societal shocks such as wars, revolution failures and their consequences, a man could lose a lot of rights and freedoms and suffer from physical damages. On the psychological side, particularly, he could be exposed to something more serious such as the loss [...]

2024-01-21T05:36:49+02:00January 9th, 2020|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments

The History of Military Schools in Turkey

The attempted coup d'état on July 15, 2016 was a decisive event in the history of modern Turkish military institution. After that attempt, the Turkish state started a number of procedures. Prominent among them is the reconstruction of educational institutions such as closing the schools under the Gülen movement [...]

2024-02-13T07:39:50+02:00January 9th, 2020|Policy Making, Translations|0 Comments

Corporate Social Responsibility: The Spanish Case as a Model

Authored by: Alaa Maher Due to the rise of Economic Globalization, multinational companies have been established with an escalating political and economic impact as time goes by. Moreover, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been greatly cared for and inevitably applied. It has also correlated with the concept of sustainable [...]

2024-01-21T05:52:12+02:00November 12th, 2019|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments

Enforced Disappearance between Authoritarian Practice and Community Struggle: Argentina as a Model

Enforced disappearance is considered one of the most serious crimes against humanity. It has been committed for decades without being incriminated and without punishing those who committed it particularly in the fifties and sixties of the last century in many states. This crime has not been confronted on the [...]

2024-01-24T06:45:42+02:00June 18th, 2019|Studies, Policy Making|0 Comments

Global Competitiveness Report 2018: A Review and Critique

As a result of the fourth industrial revolution, companies have been seeking to achieve sustainable rates of growth and productivity on the long term and to build a strong economy. They also find it challenging to identify new accurate paths of growth. So, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) was [...]

2021-05-06T07:32:19+02:00March 24th, 2019|Policy Making, Reviews|0 Comments

Political Irony as a Tool of Political Opposition

Political irony is the act of criticizing policies by different arts that have profound effect on minds and souls, in a way capable of outlining conditions, explaining negativities and attributing corruption to its causes and symbols, enabling it to influence public opinion. In the Egyptian society, political irony has [...]

2024-01-24T07:10:22+02:00December 25th, 2018|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments


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