The Egyptian Economy in the 21st Century

The book offers a penetrating insight into the Egyptian economy through a diverse array of economic issues. It consists of papers written by multiple authors and it aims to discuss different views and alternative perspectives to examine and solve those issues. In this way, an alternative view is introduced [...]

2024-02-03T07:28:15+02:00December 19th, 2018|Policy Making, Reviews|0 Comments

Hamas Contained: The Rise and Pacification of Palestinian Resistance

The study of political Islam movements has recently gained considerable importance, especially after the Arab Spring uprisings and the role they played in the periods that witnessed transfer of power. Hamas, aka Islamic Resistance Movement, is one of the oldest resistance movements in the region. It was founded in [...]

2023-12-14T08:00:38+02:00December 19th, 2018|Conflictual Relations, Reviews|0 Comments


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