Civil-Military Relations and the Future of the Algerian Political Regime

Authored by: Sameh Mohamed The issue of civil-military relations in Algeria is considered one of the topics that sparks off many rigorous theoretical debates. On the one hand, some people think that the military institution is the main trigger of the Algerian civil war after it canceled the elections [...]

2024-01-21T06:02:17+02:00August 3rd, 2019|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

Enforced Disappearance between Authoritarian Practice and Community Struggle: Argentina as a Model

Enforced disappearance is considered one of the most serious crimes against humanity. It has been committed for decades without being incriminated and without punishing those who committed it particularly in the fifties and sixties of the last century in many states. This crime has not been confronted on the [...]

2024-01-24T06:45:42+02:00June 18th, 2019|Studies, Policy Making|0 Comments

The Militarization of U.S. Foreign Policy in Africa

Authored by: Do'aa Owaidha Being interested in Africa is due to two reasons; one is related to security while the other is related to the economy. Thus, American priorities in the continent have been formed as regards confronting the extensions of terrorist groups according to the United States, encouraging [...]

2020-10-02T10:32:36+02:00June 17th, 2019|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

Egypt’s Position in the Territorial Gas Repercussions after the Eastern Mediterranean Discoveries

Authored by: Ahmad Khalifa Translated by: Melanie Magidow Egypt’s gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean have come along at a time when the Egyptian regime was in desperate need of them. The regime has been overwhelmed with economic, political and security pressures as well as foreign ones that have [...]

2024-01-24T06:55:50+02:00June 17th, 2019|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

Determinants of the International Order Situation towards Democratic Transition in the Islamic World

Authored by: Nabil Ali In the light of a long history of how the international order reacted to democratic transition in the world, and based on more than 9 years after the Arab Spring, this study attempts to pinpoint the determinants of the international situation towards political transitions in [...]

2024-01-24T07:01:28+02:00March 28th, 2019|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

The Qatari Crisis and the Regional Alliances in the Arab Region

Authored by: Hajar Waheed The Arab region is still feeling the aftermath of the Arab Spring, which started in 2011. The Gulf Crisis may have been one manifestation of this, as the severe turmoil in the region has pushed every state towards forming new regional alliances to achieve its [...]

2024-01-24T07:05:38+02:00March 28th, 2019|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

About “Experiences of Political Islamic in the Corridors of the Modern State” project

Leading Participants Prof. Dr. Nadia Mustafa Professor of International Relations, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University Dr. Abdulaziz Kamel Writer, Islamic thinker, and former lecturer at King Saud University Counselor Mohamed Naji Derbala Former Vice President of the Egyptian Court of Cassation [...]

Arab-Israeli Relations after Arab Uprisings: Dimensions and Determinants

This study aims to identify the Arab-Israeli relations after Arab Uprisings and to what extent did these Uprisings affect the process of interrelations. The study focuses precisely on the pivotal states active in Arab Uprisings such as Egypt and Syria. It also seeks to show the impact of regime [...]

2024-01-24T07:08:07+02:00December 25th, 2018|Conflictual Relations, Studies|0 Comments

Gender Studies: Philosophical Roots and Key Concepts

Authored by: Amal Abdulrahman Three basic fields fall under gender studies, which are: women’s studies, men’s studies, and gender studies and labeling theory. In order for any attempt to recognize the field of gender studies, it entails research on what every field of these three fields added as well [...]

2024-01-24T08:23:37+02:00December 25th, 2018|Studies, Identity and Decolonization|0 Comments

Political Irony as a Tool of Political Opposition

Political irony is the act of criticizing policies by different arts that have profound effect on minds and souls, in a way capable of outlining conditions, explaining negativities and attributing corruption to its causes and symbols, enabling it to influence public opinion. In the Egyptian society, political irony has [...]

2024-01-24T07:10:22+02:00December 25th, 2018|Policy Making, Studies|0 Comments


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