Political irony is the act of criticizing policies by different arts that have profound effect on minds and souls, in a way capable of outlining conditions, explaining negativities and attributing corruption to its causes and symbols, enabling it to influence public opinion.

In the Egyptian society, political irony has witnessed historical development where various tools of political protest and ironical criticism of authoritarian phenomena have been used.

A considerable debate about the effectiveness of political irony has raged among those believing it is a tool for change and those believing it is a means of expression. Hence, this study attempts to examine and look for the answer to it through studying the patterns of political irony in Egypt, its development and influence on actors in political field whether they be rulers or individuals, with a focus on satirical art through media and its relation with the political authority since the 2010 elections till the end of the reign of junta then Morsi’s and Adly Mansour’s reigns.

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