As a result of the fourth industrial revolution, companies have been seeking to achieve sustainable rates of growth and productivity on the long term and to build a strong economy. They also find it challenging to identify new accurate paths of growth. So, the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) was released by the World Economic Forum to measure the economic performance of countries, based on a set of integral pillars; including human capital, innovation, market efficiency, and economic agility. The 2018 index, which was different from the previous one, focused on emerging productivity drivers that reflect economic changes. Such drivers include entrepreneurship culture, critical thinking, and interpersonal trust. The index also provides tools to evaluate such factors.
The report is significant because it surveys 400 countries around the world and it constantly features accurate and reliable information. It also contains a lot of surveys and contributions to help countries offer their databases. Countries also refer to the report to consider top factors that improve the economy as per their current visions and strategies.
According to the Global Economic Forum, the Global Competitiveness Report is composed of 100 distinct pillars grouped into dozens of categories that have been slightly modified to better reflect the quickly and increasingly changing global economy.
Therefore, this paper aims to review the 2018 Global Competitiveness Report to assess the competitiveness of world countries based on the GCR. Then, it will rank Arab countries, which are mainly Arab League members, with reference to the respective pillars.
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